Ricci Act

The Ricci World Trade Center Rescue, Recovery, and Cleanup Operations Act

With the new Public Law 157 (P.L. 2019, c. 157) the Bill Ricci World Trade Center Rescue, Recovery, and Cleanup Operations Act, retired members might be eligible for an amended existing retirement to an accidental disability retirement benefit if you are or may become disabled due to working or volunteering in the rescue, recovery, or cleanup operations at the World Trade Center site between September 11, 2001, and October 11, 2001.

The PFANJ is advising any retired member (whether or not you are experiencing any issues or are disabled) who was over at the World Trade Center from September 11, 2001, and October 11, 2001, to “register” with the state of New Jersey Pensions at

Because this is a new law, there are still questions and uncertainties that need to be ironed out.

All retired members, if you were in NYC between 9/11 and 10/11 in 2001, it appears that you have two years to register with the state, but if you retired on an accidental disability retirement benefit you have until September 16th to register with the state of New Jersey. Don’t wait, register today.


If you were on-site in NYC between 9/11 and 10/11 in 2001 you have two years to register.

The PFANJ is advising any Active member who was over at the World Trade Center from September 11, 2001, and October 11, 2001, to “register” with the state of New Jersey Pensions at

All active members have until July 8, 2021, to register with the state of New Jersey. We DO NOT ADVISE that you wait. Register today!
Attached is a copy of the letter and application for active members to register with the state of New Jersey.

Do not delay! Whether you are active or retired, and if you were over at the World Trade Center between 9/11/2001 and 10/11/2001, fill out the application today!

Because of the law being new, there are uncertainties and questions so the PFANJ is having the new law reviewed so that those members who were in NYC during that period have the information needed to avail themselves of the proper compensation due them and/or their families.

PFRS Retired Card Ricci Law | Active Firefighter Bill Ricci Law Information